Truzy Odom
Call me Mr. Renaissance Man. But my parents named me John Kennedy Odom Jr. My sister and family call me John John. My city say Jae. You can call me TRUZY tho.
I began this musical journey at 10 years old, playing drums in my family’s church which later transitioned into my middle school Jazz Band. “A self-diagnosed dyslexic, I’ve always had a thing 4o’ flippin words. Once I understood the first language I figured I could translate it into my own.”
That language is now known as ARTgriCULTURE, cultivating cultural influence thru the imaginative arts.
This is where purpose finally aligns with passion. The musical canvas is only one translation of my ARTgriCULTURAL vision. Over the years I’ve been 4o’tunate to display my many gifts whether I was A2 and Lighting operator 4o’ Perfect 10 Band, gettin’ my acting on in the upcoming Intrusion film or making musical runs that led me to a FOREVER I LOVE ATLANTA AWARD nomination.
My passion 4o’ the music has allowed me to be apart of the industry in nearly every aspect. Now we take all we’ve done and make a greater impact. That impact first begins with being a father to my children and future babies (yours & mine). So to ensure that that could even be possible, I am now CEO of truzybyTRUZY, a black owned and designed sneaker brand to influence entrepreneurship, integrity and most importantly ownership.
“Even when I was homeless, I knew there’d be times like this, just needed time. That’s it.” So with a few friends we’ve been able to create WILL RAP 4o’ FOOD, a community initiative to feed the body’s and souls of the less 4o’tunate, in partnership with Golden Harvest Food Bank, feeding 1,000 people our first year out preCOVID.
Co-Owner of Synced-Souls Studios with Shea Butta, we provide quality creative consultation and collaborative efforts, with the helps of Writing Sessions America and its head Kevin Shine.
They asked me to write a bio. But ain’t that’s what the music 4o’?!.
4o’Sho 4o’Sho

The Jefferson Effect has been just that...EFFECTIVE!! I joined The JE “Entrepreneur Series” on last year and was also able to close the year with the 2021 Entrepreneur of the Year Award. CEO Valarie Jefferson has been an incredible advisor from Day 1! She not only shares her experiences and information but sometimes she simply calls just to say “Hello TRUZY!!” It’s great to work closely with advisors whom challenge l, encourage, support and BUILD with you! What are you waiting on?! Come get this Jefferson Effect so you can be EFFECTIVE.